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Funding for Research

There are currently several opportunities for funding researchers using the collections at RMC:

Budget and Tax Information for Research Grant Applicants

Allowable budget expenditures include but may not be limited to the following:

  • Travel expenditures to Ithaca, New York from residence (based on airfare rates at time of application, if not within driving distance). See Plan Your Visit for information on travel options to Ithaca.
  • Driving distance is considered to be within 500 miles of Ithaca
  • Mileage – $0.56 per mile
  • Lodging expenditures in Ithaca during research visit (maximum of $113 per night – based on Federal rates)
  • Food – $46.00 per diem (based on Federal rates)
  • Reproduction expenditures
  • Miscellaneous expenditures (include details)

Un-allowable budget expenditures include but may not be limited to the following:

  • Travel, lodging, or food expenditures for any person other than researcher
  • Salary or benefits supplement for time spent in Ithaca during research visit
  • Car rental in Ithaca
  • Indirect costs

The budget and description of budget items should accompany the grant.

Tax Issues:

  • US Citizens: will receive a lump sum of the amount granted when they contact the Administrative Manager no more than 60 days in advance of their scheduled research visit. The Administrative Manager will handle the request to the financial office to have a check cut and sent to the researcher’s home address. All researchers must complete a W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) which can be found on the IRS website.
  • Foreign Nationals: In order to treat a payment as a reimbursed business expense for tax purposes, the visitor should be employed in a professional capacity in his/her home country (i.e. not a student) and Cornell should qualify as a “temporary” work location for the visitor. Three months or less is considered temporary. If the visit exceeds three months, contact the Tax Compliance Office. Payments to foreign nationals are complicated due to immigration and tax laws. Please see Payments Allowed by Visa Type.

The RMC Administrative Manager will prepare an expense voucher that includes receipts, business purpose and length of stay at Cornell (beginning date and end date). Original receipts MUST be attached to the voucher. If per Diem rates are used, the following apply:

  • Rates must not exceed IRS rates.
  • Voucher must include a statement that Cornell is not otherwise paying for or providing meals and lodging.

**Reimbursed business expenses are not taxable or reportable.

Cornell Contacts:

John Nolen Research Fund: Julia Gardner

Phil Zwickler Memorial Research Grants: Brenda Marston

Administrative Manager: Connie Finnerty